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Yuan Ze University Mainland Alumni Association Celebrates Anniversary, Strengthening Bonds and Creating New Opportunities

Yuan Ze University Mainland Alumni Association Celebrates Anniversary, Strengthening Bonds and Creating New Opportunities

To mark the first anniversary of the Yuan Ze University Mainland Alumni Association,

a delegation led by President Liao Ching-Jong, Vice President Tze Chi Hsu, and Director of the Office of Public Affairs and Alumni Services Pan Jiun-Nan visited Xiamen from November 30 to December 1. They participated in the anniversary celebration hosted by Dr. Ran-Xuan Ke, a Class of ’97 PhD alumnus from the College of Management and a current professor at Jimei University. Alumni from across Mainland China gathered to showcase their strong connection to their alma mater. The event was a resounding success, further solidifying the ties between the university and its alumni.

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